Dear Whanu,
This week we had our first exchange. It was really good! The Gore Sisters came up and stayed two days with us. Then I drove them back (I am becoming a really good driver here now...: ) And who would have guessed but Idaho comes into view! Or at least I thought it looked like Idaho, you be the judge. On the exchange, we found a couple new Potential Investigators and set a baptismal date for november the 2nd with Judy Wilson! Ah so excited! My companion and Sister Puleta set the date. She replied when they asked, "if that's what you want me to do" Haha yep! That's what we want you to do! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREVER! Sorry it's late on the email! But I thought of you and your birthday on the 28th here! :)
Something that was really cool this week: My companion and I have really been trying to focus on a vision for ourselves and the mission. As President Hamula asked us to do. We have also really been trying to find with greater faith and pray for greater faith. Because of this, we were able to find this really golden (means practially baptized! because they are soo ready for the gospel) investigator for the Elders. His name is Jared and he works at the Cadburry Chocolate Factory that is here (which I hope to go to next PDAY with Sister Vila :) Yum! Chocolate! ) We tried asking him some inspired questions (questions that answer or provoke questions of the soul) and ended up having a doorstep lesson with him. We then gave his information to the Elders. The Elders contacted him later in the week, and he said he would be interested in hearing more (he had been thinking tons about what we had talked about on his doorstep) It was really neat and such a faith building expereince for me about the power of faith.
Grandpa Sudweeks: I get so many comments about my handshake. Thank you for teaching me to have a firm handshake with everyone I meet :)
I had a really neat experienvce to see an Elder set apart as a missionary yesterday by President Kezerian. It was amazing. The spirit was so strong, and I was reminded of the excitment and energy new missionaries have as they are just set apart.
In my personal study I had a neat thought. I was studying about the life after death and the call for us to concencrate our lives to the Lord. And when we concencrate we give our whole soul, might, mind, and strength to the Lord. I was thinking about how when we die, we go to the spirit world and continue to share the gospel (our lives our entirely concencrated). We spend our entire lives and part of eternity concencrating our lives. Fully giving ourselves to have the Lord's will, to be like our Heavenly Father. I thought it was so neat that our entire life we try to be like our Heavenly Father who is fully concencrated for our behalf, because his Work and His glory is to bring to pass our immortaltiy and eternal life. By being asked to be this concencrated, we are preparing for the time when we ourselves will be Like God and this will be our desire for our children.
I love you so much! I hope you all have a great week!
As our mission motto says:
Faith is the Power
Obediance is the Price
Love is the Motive
The Spirit is the Key
Christ is the Reason
Alma 26:22
May we remember this always in our lives :)
Sister Sudweeks
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