Sunday, March 9, 2014

Have I done any good in the world today? Where am I focused for eternity?

Dear Whanau,
    Good evening! :) I hope you have all had a great week! This week has been a great week of service, we were in gardens pulling out weeds, cleaning out fridges, and packing up boxes. Exciting stuff! Our miracle happened last week. The Elders gave us a referral that wanted us to contact them on Monday, which was why our emails were so early last week. We went and saw her and at first she wasn't home, but we couldn't remember the number so we tried another house, found out it was the first house, and got in the car and as we were driving away we noticed she had just pulled up so we parked and ran over to her house to talk to her. Her partner died a year ago and it was both her partners and daughters birthday. We talked a bit to her and she opened right up and told us she wants to have us teach her 5 year old daughter so she can know where her father went. We are really grateful that Heavenly Father helped us have such a wonderful miracle. We are seeing her again tonight. We can't wait to teach her and her children.
   Something I have been thinking about a lot is the Scripture in 2 Nephi 9:39, that says "Remember to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life eternal." In everything that we do, as we keep this eternal perspective we will never have to worry in life. I was reading hte talk from Febraruy's ensign about 10 steps to happiness in life and I love the last two, go to the temple and live after the manner the Savior does. I know as we do this we can keep that eternal perspective. I was thinking about how we ca keep that perspective two, and I was reminded of the simple commandment to pray and read the scriptures. It is a small thing but has great impacts on the things we do in life.
   One of our members shared with us how she has been praying for service opportunities each day, She is so sweet. She shared some really neat experiences, it was so neat to see the change in her countenance. She was so happy when we saw her. It is so true. That when we are in the service of our fellowmen we are truly in the service of our God.
I love you all!
Have a great week!
Sister Sudweeks

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