so to make your own cards, log into your account. click on profile(top right conrer)- edit profile
left hand column -share your profile-pass along cardsOn Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 1:07 PM, Annemarie Sudweeks <> wrote:
P.s. you can make your own cards at cool huh? :)Love,I love you all! Have a wonderful week!I love Heavenly Father's plan for us. I know that we are all here for a reason, We all have divine gifts and talents that we were bestowed with by a loving Heavenly Father. WE can do so many great things! And all of this time we spend on earth in tribulations, sorrows, joys, and many other experiences are all to give us experience and be for our good, that we can prove to our Heavenly Father, who is God, that we will do all things that He has commanded us so we can have all the blessings, or gifts, that He would give us for our obedience.I loved this quoute from the Conference Ensign "You've prepared for this[time being on earth] for a millenium. This is your moment to perform. This is your four minutes. your time is now!" (See General COnference talk Your Four Minutes) I loved this quote because it is so true! Our four minutes is now and we need to remember that our performance isn't over until that four mintues is. So no matter what mistakes or how badly we think we performed we can know that we can still make it up in that last minute and win the prize of living with our families together forever with Heavenly Father. Of this I know we can all achieve.Also President and SIster Hudson are wonderful! I love them heaps. President Hudson served in the Toronto Canada mission with Elder Ballard as his mission president. Pretty cool huh! SIster Hudson is a convert to the church and it all started because of the Osmond family... truly your influence is noticed by so many more people than you realize. He suggested to all of us to have this as our new motto "Good, better, becoming Great in Christ!" I love this, because truly with the Atonement of Jesus Christ everything we do can be done better until we are perfect in Christ.Dear Whanau,Hello! How are you all? I hope you have all had a great week! I certainly have :) This week I wanted to share some things about my new mission president. Here is their blog if you want to check it out!
Sister Sudweeks